Unemployment is horrible. That is a fact. It is soul destroying and misery inducing and above all, BORING. Whilst I am doing my utmost(ish) to get a job, I have had to find some way to fill my time. I could tidy my room, but that is uninspiring. I could teach myself a new language, but I am still not quite ready to get back on the learning bandwagon. So instead, I have become something of a craftaholic. It's like I can't stop. It is a lot of fun, so long may it continue!
I made a "Get Well" card for my Grandad after his second hip replacement. The combination of origami and hydrangeas brought back happy memories of going to Japan.
I made a case to keep my needles safe, because keeping them in here is infinitely better than finding them on the floor on a semi-regular basis.I made a drawstring bag to keep my ribbons in. Because everyone needs one of these, right?
I made a drawstring bag from two old dresses and an old shirt (mostly just to practise on my new toy, to which I will devote a whole post one of these days!)
I made a wreath of autumn leaves because I am obsessed with autumnal colours at the moment.
I embellished a top for the same reason.
I made some earrings because I couldn't remember the last time I made any jewellery
I made some hair slides because it's always nice to have flowers in your hair.
And last but not least, I have made loads of soup (this one is butternut squash and toasted sweetcorn) because all that crafting is hungry work!